The Blue Filtration Series
The Blue Filtration Series incorporates surface modified carbon block filter technology that is highly effective reducing bad taste, odor, and the reduction of chlorine and chloramines from potable drinking water. The filters are made using high performance coconut shell carbon, which has more micropores compared to other types of carbon. Coupled with a unique binder system, these carbon block filters deliver a product with superior adsorption capacity and kinetic dynamics. The unique high capacity filters provide cost effective water filtration solutions in a size and configuration that offer easeof- use, extended service life and high capacity, with a low pressure loss.
The Green Filtration Series
The Green Filtration Series are electropositively charged dual gradient double pleated filtration solutions that successfully remove contaminants from 1 to 0.2 microns, featuring NanoAl™ media. The filters are designed with a larger 20 micron pre-filtration layer externally and the charged media internally, extending filtration level contamination and service life, while achieving high flow and low pressure drop. The filters will outperform competitive filtration solutions in all turbidity applications including insoluble scale, Fe3, bacterial iron slime, colloidal solids, silt, rust, and other particle filtration, resulting in higher water quality and longer life of the filtration system.
The Orange Filtration Series
The Orange Filtration Series are dual gradient double pleated filtration solutions for extended life and use, with filtration levels of 5, 10 and 20 microns. The filters are designed with a larger pre-filtration layer externally and the smaller internally, extending filtration level contamination and service life, while achieving high flow and low pressure drop.
The filters will outperform competitive filtration solutions in all turbidity applications including silt, rust, and other particle filtration. The Orange Series also provides lower shear water velocity as the raw water passes through the filter, allowing for more contact time and interaction with the extensive surface area of the filters. This results in higher water quality and longer life of the filtration system.
Each filter comes with a unique handle designed top cap for lightweight and easy removal, a bag for proper disposal, and a double o-ring bottom connection into the Cartridge Tank® plumbing adapter for the 2½” assembly and full 1¼” PVC glue socket flow rate connections.
The Yellow Filtration Series
The Yellow Filtration Series are dual gradient double pleated filtration solutions for extended life and use, with filtration levels of 5 and 20 microns. This Series offers a combination filter composed of an outer layer of Polypropylene String with a Melt blown Polypropylene core. The precise wound pattern provides greater surface area, higher dirt-loading capacity and greater efficiency than standard wound filter cartridges. As a dual media filter, they provide a cost effective, extended-life product capable of capturing a broad range of particulates with high service flow rates greater than 30+gpm with less than 15 Delta P.
The large diameter pre-filter reduces particulate loading on the post filter allowing it to perform at higher velocities, capturing fine sediment, sand, silt, rust and scale particles of 50 or 20 microns. This equates to higher particulate reduction and added loading capacity.
The Meltblown core captures 20 or 5 micron particles, (depending on the filter configuration), this dual combination filter extends the life of the inner-cartridge by eliminating premature caking and prevents down stream media migration common in string cartridges.
Each filter comes with a unique handle designed top cap for lightweight and easy removal, a bag for proper disposal, and a double o-ring bottom connection into the Cartridge Tank® plumbing adapter for the 2½” assembly and full 1¼” PVC glue socket flow rate connections.